Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sharing our passion during ramadan

Charity is one of the five main obligations for all Muslims, and Ramadan is a time when giving is considered particularly important. 

The struggles of daily fasting remind us and other Muslims of the need to show compassion for those who endure hunger — a practice exemplified by the free meals offered at the masjids.

In addition to humiliation, self-control, perseverance and will power, fasting teaches us empathy and compassion for the poor as we endure hunger, encouraging the spirit of charity, And it is a very humbling experience.

With the help and support of my Sister in Islam Bai Emilie Sanque Ismail and her family, we distributed an Iftar package for around 200 fasters who are taking Taraweeh prayers everyday which include halal biscuits, coffee, cream, sugar, water, noodles, canned goods, etc.

This will allow a faster to share the package with other fasters around him, and share the reward in this act of generosity. These packages was distributed through the 8 masjid that we identified in the rural areas. 

It is believed that serving iftar during Ramadan is a form of charity, which is also part of the Five Pillars of Islam. 

Ramadan meals are blessed ones. Sharing our food with others, especially the poor ones, is the first precious lesson we experience in Ramadan. Whether we invite people to our place, or send them food; whether it is a luxurious meal or just a simple one, we will get the same reward In sha Allah! 

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