One thing that President elect Barrack Obama achieved overnight, He made United States of America ended civil stripe and RACISM by winning the votes of Virginia, the bastion of white supremacy! He made every MINORITY around the world HOPEFUL, he restored the GREAT American Dream and above all he redeemed America's image around the globe as the cradle and guardian of DEMOCRACY! Fellow Filipinos must kept that in your hearts and mind... i can post some of the Republican Filipino-Americans perspectives and you can see for yourself what kind of people do we have around the islands!
With the Democrats powerfully consolidating their position in both houses of congress yesterday, the shift was consolidated at state and district level. This marks the end of the conservative ascendancy of the past 30 years. Whether it now marks a new, sustained era of American liberalism of the sort which followed the election of 1932 must remain to be seen. What is not open to doubt is that Mr. Obama's win is a milestone in America's racial and cultural evolution. It is 45 years since Martin Luther King; in the greatest of all late-20th century American speeches looked forward to the day when his children would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Almost unbelievably, that dream has now become a reality in the shape of America's first African-American leader and its first black first family. It is a day many thought they would never see. It is hard to know whether to weep or shout for joy now that it has arrived - probably both - but it is a lesson to the world.
Kudos to CNN… Barrack Obama made me tearful while watching his inspiring 1,972 words victory message . . . listening his message gives me strength of a 1,000 men. Whew! Filipinos must move on and carry the cudgel of CHANGE in our midst.
Mr. Obama will take office in January amid massive unrealizable expectations and facing a daunting list of problems - the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the broken healthcare system, the spiraling federal budget and America's profligate energy regime all prominent among them. Eclipsing them all, as Mr. Obama has made clear in recent days, is the challenge of rebuilding the economy and the banking system. These, though, are issues for another day. Today is for celebration, for happiness and for reflected human glory. Savor those words: President Barack Obama, America's hope and, in no small way, ours too.
Nice essay! God bless the Philippines, and Sultan kudarat Province as well as our beloved hometown Lebak and our capital town. Keep the passion of sharing this good deeds!
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